Life Testimony of Rex Duval, aka "Pastor Rex" or "PR"
If my life stands for anything it could be summed up in the words of Romans 4:17b, “even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.”
In other words, God does not call me to submit a curriculum vitae to determine where I have been, and therefore where I am going. No, my God is all too aware of my desperately lost condition.
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I was born in New York City, to Jose Foch Duval and Betty Jane Duval. My father hailed from Cuba and my mother was born and bred locally. My parents were in show business and my father eventually became a famous actor. He played the part of the original Juan Valdez for The Colombian Coffee Federation, and the Federation established a powerful business trading on my father as their representative and brand image.
My parents were not Christians and I grew up in a very combative environment. I do not remember a day in my childhood without my father yelling and being abusive towards my mother. However, in spite of this tension I knew that they both loved me very much. My parents were just unable to overcome their personal pain, and find a healthy way to express that love to each other and to me. Not to make excuses, but my father had a nightmarish childhood, and well, garbage in and garbage out. Although my mother had loving parents, they were traveling so much mom really attributes being brought up by her grandmother. So much for quality family life! . . . The story continues, "Information became revelation in my life!" Read it here, or watch the video below.
Experience his story in this powerful video:
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