Volunteer Sign up

Riker’s has approved a new programming opportunity, and we are looking for qualified volunteers.

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering”. Hebrews 13:3

Are you seeking to expand your Kingdom reach? Have you wanted to help shine a light in the darkness? Maybe you’ve heard Pastor Rex’s story, or listened to one of his teachings.

We are blessed to have you considering a volunteer opportunity with Prison in the Wild. We’re honored to partner with you, Trinity New York, as one of our bridge churches. Your prayers and support are helping change lives!

Before you sign up, please read a blog post, familiarize yourself with our vision, and if possible also watch a video from our Media Page.

We’re looking for a group of Facilitators who will run the Alpha program, as well as participate in the re-entry program inside Rosie M. Singer - the women’s jail on Rikers Island.

  • A Facilitator is someone who enables the participants to have fruitful discussions, and is able to provide a calm presence for others to voice their opinions.

    • “Alternates” are Facilitators who will help fill in when needed.

  • A Re-Entry Mentor builds relationships with others and cares for the unreached. They may call, write, visit, and will be provided simple programming to help facilitate positive results for those coming home, or those going upstate.

  • We are also looking for qualified individuals with administrative skills who would be willing to donate some time to help with paperwork and phone calls.

***Ideal availability for these programs, as per the jail’s request, would be Wednesdays or Thursdays, between 11am-6pm.

After you sign up, we’ll reach out and talk with you more about the role you chose, and get to know your heart, passion, and availability.

Please complete the form below and click “submit”.

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon Me, for the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be set free.” Isaiah 61:1