One of our dearest friends gifted Joy and I this Caribbean cruise to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary and my 70th Birthday.

While on the ship today December 5th God opened the door for me to hold a Sunday service on board the ship. Here is what happened.

Hallelujah! Wow did JESUS ever show up! Haha! They were going to give me 30 minutes and gave me an hour.

The head of all activities on board the ship got saved. Ha!

Go JESUS! A young man who is 6’7” from Norway who works in one of the shop’s also received JESUS and wept as I prayed for him.

I was able to give him my bible. I will baptize him on the trip. Hallelujah! There were also five other decisions for our Lord. Amen!

Approximately 30 people showed up. Which was amazing, because we lost an hour last night with a time change, the sea was also a bit rough and the ship was tossing and rolling, and these folks are on vacation and many over 70.

***I finally felt like the baby in the room. Hey don’t judge me! 😂

I preached from Luke 1 on Abba removing all fear and shame from our lives as He ultimately did for Elizabeth and Zacharias. Merry Christmas! Hallelujah!

“After these days Elizabeth his wife became pregnant, and she kept herself in seclusion for five months, saying, “This is the way the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favor upon me, to take away my disgrace among men.””

- ‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:24-25‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I could never thank you enough for taking out the time to pray and partner with Joy and I in accomplishing this mornings Kingdom Mission. Someone just asked me if I would preach again next Sunday.

Maybe not sing so much, haha, no, they didn’t say it even if they thought it. 😜

It is all very humbling for my wife and I to represent the King of Kings. It makes me weep with joy, and with my Joy. Hallelujah!

Here is the icing on the cake. Our cabin steward Stanosh from India just asked to receive JESUS. We just prayed and he lit up like a Christmas tree. He got so excited and realized he was born again and now belonged to JESUS. He said, “I heard God’s voice.” I mean, does it really get much better than this? I will also baptize him this week. Amen! 😇

Love you to Life ❤️💥✝️🔥🙏🏼


Carrying you all in my heart.
