A Powerful Gathering

Monday, July 10th, 2017@ Rikers

Isaiah 40:31 - 

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."


Tonight at this gang unit at Rikers there was a violent spirit in the atmosphere that tried to prevail. Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual principalities and forces, we bound those demons, and as always, they submitted to the authority and Lordship of Jesus and the atmosphere changed. However, I must admit, this was the first time I was actually concerned as we had such a large group of boys and initially you could smell trouble brewing.  A spirit of violence is tangible but so is our solution, Jesus!!!  Hallelujah!


Today was amazing!  We had 14 boys. I spoke about living life on purpose not by accident, and they were so encouraged to hear life is not over because of jail, but In Christ, this is only the beginning. We talked about the evidence supporting the literal resurrection of Jesus, and as a result, Jesus has become the Door to all life.  It was so powerful! Then we had an alarm at 7pm when they are supposed to return to their unit, so I had them an additional half hour. I read the chapter "Who Would Die For A Lie" from "More Than A Carpenter."  This cemented the truth of the resurrection in their hearts forever!  Then we all prayed for Jesus to send the Holy Spirit and fill us.  They prayed with passion!  Honestly, it surprised me. 


When the alarm was lifted and it was finally time to leave, four of the young men, two of whom had been trouble at the start of the evening, stayed behind purposely to hug me and wish me a safe drive home.  It stunned the Christian Correction Officers and they said they had never seen anything like this before.  I believe this represented a sign that true transformation had taken place. 


It blew me away! 



Go Jesus!!!
